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A love word:

Anything is possible in love. Imagine this situation. A doctor falls in love with a nurse who works closely with him in the local hospital. Both start dating, but somewhere the doctor realizes he doesn’t love the nurse anymore. The heartbroken nurse is looking for someone to mend her broken heart. She ends up meeting the doctor’s cousin somewhere. Before you know it, the cousin and the nurse start dating. They both realize they love each other, think about getting married, and everybody is happy. End of story. Think it was a stupid plot? Well, think again.

The story mentioned above is actually the plot of a best selling novel. If one has to break down the plots of most romantic quotes & novels, they would actually seem quite silly. So why then are most of the romantic novels in the world such bestsellers then? Because love sells. Love stories simply stand the test of time, and give generations hope on which to build their perfect love story. The earliest love stories were often told in the form of songs, or ballads passed down from one generation to another, till they were written as stories to read. Then came the immortal ‘Romeo and Juliet’, which gave birth to the notion that dying for love was a heroic act. One would find similar love stories from across the world, such as Laila- Majnu or Heer- Ranjha. Each celebrating love.

The truth is that love stories will love on. Boys will hope they find a woman who will stand by them and girls will keep hoping they find men who will die for them.

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